Coco Fitness Tips!
Here are my tips I post weekly on my Twitter @Cocosworld If you would like to view more Workout and Yoga moves visit my Facebook Page Coco. For those that always asked I do have a fitness app for IOS and Apple users
Fitness Tip #99
Stay flexible throughout life! I’m 36 and I’ve never had a broken bone.I’ve played sports my entire childhood & been very athletic my entire adultlife.(People don’t understand how much a tomboy I was when I was younger.) I give a lot of credit to stretching. Check it out>>
Fitness Tip #98
This is my secret workout for the TOP of the booty! Check it out>>
Fitness Tip #97
After an aerobic class end your gym workout by getting on treadmill for at least a 15 min jog.It’s hard but push your body!
Fitness Tip #96
I like to take 2 classes a week of any kind like, kickboxing, aerobic, cross fit. Its very motivating to workout w/other people.
Fitness Tip #95
Hit the splits! My sister Kristy is a yoga instructor. She pushes me to do the #AnyBODYcandoyogachallenge so I’m gonna dedicate this tip to yoga. Yoga is a great start to getting into shape. There’s all levels..It’s helps with you physical and mental being.. Give it a try you will see…Check out the split>
Fitness Tip #94
Bosu Squats! Good for Booty&Core. Squat & balance on a Bosu ball Get my fitness app Coco’s Workout World on iTunes or apple products >
Fitness Tip #93
A simple handstand can keep your upper body right. Good for toning shoulders & arms….
Fitness Tip #92
For my back, I love old school “pull downs”. I’m comfortable with the weight at 110 pounds but I push myself to do more…..
Fitness Tip #91
How I plank…Hold plank for 1 min then stretch 1 arm in air, hold for 1 min then do…then do other side.End with an ab twist for 30 secs…
Fitness Tip #90
The cardio machine I use most is the Treadmill. I sprint then jog for 25 mins at a time about 3 times a week.
Fitness Tip#89
Exercise of the week “Cable Kickbacks” – really lean in & kick high in ankle straps. Low weight high reps. Great for building the top of the butt! (Workout from Coco’s workout world app> :
Fitness Tip #88
Sometimes it’s not all about how much weight u lift. Concentrate on form. Get low on them squats! Check it out ->
Fitness Tip #87
Exercise of the week! Ball hand-offs. Great for your core & attacking the middle section. Check it out ->
Fitness Tip #86
The protein drink I take on the go is Core Power I seriously can’t get enough of the taste.It helps w/ building muscle too!
Fitness Tip #85
Exercise of the week! Ninja Lunges..Get low with this move.Great for the booty! >>
Fitness Tip #84
Get a sixpack!! Here are some cool moves u can do to get that tummy right.. Also try to fit in at least 3 days of cardio >>
Fitness Tip#83
These inverted situps are no joke… Just try to master 1 >>
Fitness Tip #82
Here’s a some tips on how to get your tummy flat & see some abs
Fitness Tip #81
I preach this all the time people.. This is why the scale doesn’t matter.. Maybe the visual will help ya:
Fitness Tip #80
There are 3 major muscles in your butt u need to build to get that “onion booty”. Here is your basic guide
Ftiness Tip #79
When it comes to building legs & booty go hard & heavy or go home! #bootypower I use the Smith machine for assisted squats it makes it easier to push more weight.. start off with alittle weight to get the rythym of the movement and slowly move up .. Normally I do 3 sets usually 10 reps with around 70 pounds on each side but every now and then u have to push your limit like I’m doing here.. please don’t try this unless u know what your doing you’ll hurt yourself.
Fitness Tip #78
I know we hate Planks but do them everyday. Really good 4 your core.Get that tummy right!
Fintess Tip #77
Another trick 2 suppress hunger is try chewing gum. Do it right before lunch & you’ll consume less calories than normal.
Fitness Tip #76
During workouts of any kind will suppress hunger. Make sure u drink a protein shake afterwards 2 keep u full. Thats what I do.
Ftiness Tip #75
Take a class on the cadillac equipment in a Pilates session. Great 4 toning upper body & concentrating on flexibility.
Fitness Tip #74
tTis machine is great for the Glute Muscles!You put strap around your ankle and kick 20 times to the back then 20 times to the side repeat on other leg do 3 times on each leg. Make sure you kick your leg as high as you can.
Fitness Tip #73
Good workout for abs!Prop your body so the tips of toes R on the ball, roll the ball out until body is straight then raise up again. >>
Fitness Tip #72
Believe it or not but balancing on a ball works the whole body especially legs. Don’t try this by yourself.
Fitness Tip #71
“Kicks Backs” are great for the rear end..I kick high up so it works the top of the booty muscle
Fitness Tip #70
Always stretch! It lengthens your muscles..makes u appear longer,even for ppl like me that’s only 5’2…
Fitness Tip #69
Try taking a Pure Bar class it’s great for the core and toning.its a mix of dance & fitness moves but no aerobics.
Fitness Tip #68
I’m constantly changing my fitness routine u got to trick your body to get faster.
Ftiness Tip# 67
Concentrate on you upper legs(quads, hamstrings)& it will automatically tone your butt & make u look curvier.
Fitness Tip #66
Get booty & thighs tight by doing Squats that end with a jump. Its easy, squat down low, then jump high. Do 20, rest then repeat.
Fitness Tip #65
Greek yogurt is the bomb and is so good for the bod..I start the day with it!Good when your trying to get rid of body fat.
Fitness Tip #64
Eat lots of Guacamole!!!! I eat lots of Avacodos,they’re so yummy and good for you..its very good for your hair,makes it healthy & shiny”also,makes nails strong.
Fitness Tip #63
Somehow this tip was deleted & honestly I don’t remember what I wrote.Hopefully it will come to me again…
Fitness Tip #62
A short effective cardio workout is to Sprint on treadmill as fast u can for about 2 minute then pull in a jog back for 2 minutes(to catch for breath) then repeat-go for 20 mins…..Its great for your thighs.
Fitness Tip #61
For those that R asking,personally,my cardio regiment consists of 25 min of sprinting on treadmill 3 times a week or I take a Boxing,Zumba,kickboxing, Dance or Body sculpt class.I even take my dogs jogging at the park.I try to confuse my body & not repeat my routine everyday.
Fitness Tip #60
Try out a Power Plate Class.(look for a local class near u maybe google it)It works your whole body but is excellent for the booty.I love it so much I’m gonna get one for home…Its a machine that vibrates lightly while you only workout out on it for 15 minutes to 30 minutes.Just look into it.U won’t be let down.
Fitness Tip #59
I wear a sauna sweatsuit to gym and sweat it out for 30 min on treadmill sometimes. I feel 5 pounds lighter.Its mostly water weight that you loose but its also rejuvenating & detoxifying..Not gonna hurt to try it!
Fitness Tip #58
I don’t diet!I just eat small portions of food though-out the day & don’t eat a lot of sweets.I start the day w/yogurt or oatmeal & Fish oil pills.
Fitness Tip #57
Side-kicking a punching bag is so good for toning the butt & legs..I love how it makes my legs strong..I do 3 sets of 20 reps.
Fitness Tip #56
Protein is key to losing weight & also building muscle.Once a day I drink”NuTek Pro5″ Protein Shake for women.Its really yummy too.
Fitness Tip #55
When u do ab crunches exhale forcefully at the top of the movement. It forces your abs to work harder & you’ll get more definition.
Fitness Tip #54
To work out the top of the butt,lay down (doggie style) with 5 pound ankle weights on & push leg straight out high as possible, hold for 5 seconds, then switch to other leg.
Fitness Tip #53
I walk around the mall to shop in heels because I’m giving my calves & quads (front of thighs) a workout.But put lower comfy heels on.I don’t think of wearing heels as a choir but more of a work-out.
Fitness Tip #52
Lunges Lunges and more Lunges are the best way to keep your butt and thighs tight.I hold 10 pound weights in each hand when I do mine.
Fitness Tip #51
Remember to workout the side of your butt too!.Stand w/ankle weights on,hold on to something like a chair & lift leg high from the side then back, repeat, change legs.
Fitness Tip #50
The only way you’ll see ripped abs is eat less fattening foods.PERIOD! You don’t have to take all fats out just lower your intake of meals alittle .I do ab exercises 5 days a week then top it off 20 min cardio.
Fitness Tip 49#
Ultimate squats!Take medicine ball place n front of u,squat,pick it up,push fast high above your head & slam it down.Do 15 reps,3 sets.
Fitness TIp #48
The smaller you can get your waist to look the more shapely & plump your booty will look.Thats why I always finish my workouts w/ab.
Fitness Tip #47
Take a fish oil pill everyday.Its great 2 boost metabolism, prevents heart disease & cancer,good for muscles.I love it!!I personally take “Ultimate Omega”.You don’t get burps either.
Fitness Tip #46
Take a Power Plate class at your gym.Its a great workout for your whole body.(30 min workout on a vibrating machine).Luv it!
Fitness Tip #45
For special occasions like if u have a wedding or need to get in a bikini..take a water pill a week before..Gets your body little tighter.They’re herbal pills u take to get the excess water weight off ya.They have good ones at GNC or Vitamin Store!
Fitness Tip #44
“Naked” Smoothies R great 4 the first meal of the day.. it has all the fruits u need.1 a day has maintained my weight.There already made drink u can get at the supermarket.
Fitness Tip #42
When workin out your legs DON’T forget calves!This is essentail! Stand,roll up on toes,hold weight for added pressure.Repeat
Fitness Tip #41
I kick a punching bag at the gym 20 times each leg,3 sets.This works the abs & shapes the whole leg.Its good cardio too.
Fitness Tip #40
In order to get in shape fast u have to incorporate weight training and cardio together.Don’t skip one.You’ll burn more calories.
Fitness Tip #39
Abs!Lay down in a sit up position hold medicine ball up in front of u and twist it from side to side..(Good for those muffins tops).
Fitness Tip #38
U may not all agree but for a good fat burner pill try Hdyroxycut. I luv it!
Fitness Tip #37
Adductor/Abductor sit machines are great for strong thighs!Pushing weight outwards works the side of butt so u can get that bubble booty.
Fitness Tip #36
I love leg presses! You have to have nice quads (thighs) to have toned legs.Try these with as much weight u can take.I do 200 pounds.
Fitness Tip #35
A great Ab workout is at the gym get on knees in front of cable machine & pull cable rope down until you curl your body in,hold. Repeat.
Fitness Tip #34
Build a butt by using heavy weights.No sissy weight!!(Like w/squats) Stay away from butt surgery.Hips should have a little jiggle.
Fitness Tip #33
Squat & Kick (kickboxing style) Try kicking to the front & side.But keep your balance.This is very good for the glutes.
Fitness Tip #32
I know this sounds gross but colonics R great 4 getting n shape!I always have the flattest stomach afterwards,plus the pounds u lose.
Fitness Tip #31
Hold your stomach in for a 1 minute then repeat10 times.It works great on the lower abs.I do it while I’m sitting in a car.
Fitness Tip #30
Throw on 10 pound ankle weights when u can!Try it when walkin your dog.This really tones the legs.
Fitness Tip #29
Chai Tea naturally boosts your metabolism.Its also suppresses hunger.At times,I went on Chai Tea diets before modeling contests.
Fintess Tip #28
An aerobic workout will boost your metabolism for hours afterwards.Moving your body will burn the fat off your abs.I love treadmill.
Fitness Tip #27
Wear your high heels around the house,to do errands,vacuuming…Its great for the calves.Thats why I’m in them all day.Its a workout!
Fintess Tip #26
Don’t have time for the gym?Just do this move if any..Hold a squat for a min.Do 3 times & then try adding weights n your hands.
Fitness Tip #25
Stand up while holding on 2 something put on ankle weights & kick back high & hold.Do 10 each leg w/3 sets.Good for the top of butt.
Fintess Tip #24
“Milk really does the body good”.The calcium in it fills you up which makes your body not want 2 snack a lot so a have a glass a day!
Fitness Tip #23
“Windmill” Abs-Stand up & stretch arms out side 2 side,FAST.Do 3 sets of 20.This helps w/the love handles.You’ll feel it the next day.
Fitness Tip #22
To get a nice tush you must build butt muscle.Lounges,Squats and Leg extensions are the best for that!!
Fitness Tip #21
If u want to try a diet pill.I personally loved Hydroxycut.I used to take it & I got super cut but it did make me a little shaky.
Fitness Tip #20
Another great food that speeds up your metabolism is green chili! Mix it up in some eggs & there u have a good protein it!
Fitness Tip #19
No pain, No gain!! Push yourselves hard and you’ll see much faster results. You got to feel some discomfort after working out.
Fitness Tip #18
Commit 2 work out 2 lose weight.Going 2 the gym once a year is not gonna cut it.Don’t get mad if u don’t see results right away.
Fitness Tip #17
Eat through-out the day.U will actually gain weight if u stop eating.Eat small proportions to keep your metabolism going.Trust me.
Fitness Tip #16
Add 30 min cardio to your workout.I like treadmill & stationary bike.Sprint for 5 min as hard as u can then back off for a min.Repeat.
Fitness Tip #15
I love protein!The more the better.It helps to maintain a proper diet & good for muscle build. Keep in mind protein bars & shakes!
Fitness Tip #14
Squats R the best for your butt.Start with no weight & work your way up to heavy weights.Squat like your gonna sit and lean forward.
Fitness Tip #13
I drink “Super Charge Extreme” for energy & performance before I workout.If I’m not in the mood 2 workout,this puts me in the mood.
Fitness Tip #12
Do boxing punches in the air w/ 5 pound weights. This is not only good for your arms but really good for the side of your Abs.MY FAV!
Fitness Tip #11
Lay down on your back,feet on ground lift your butt hi in the air for 1min intervals.20 timesThis is good for the butt & lower back.
Fitness Tip #10
Leg extentions.Strap a weight around your ankle & lift your leg 2 the side and then to the back.this is so good for the butt cleavage.
Fitness Tip #9
Would you believe if you take your vitamin C everyday it will add 6 years to your life? I take multi vitamins so that should do it.
Fitness Tip #8
Stretching is great!! It lengthens the legs and makes them much more shapely looking. Believe me,I’ve got short legs & it helps me.
Fintess Tip #7
(detox)Get”Hollywood Diet Juice” at Walgreens.U can’t eat for 2 days but u lose weight,cleans u out & taste good.Do this twice a year.
Fitness Tip #6
(Abs)Get in sit-up position & w/ a 5 pound weight move it side 2 side holding w/both hands as you sit half way up, contract muscles.
Fitness Tip #5
(food)Eat Avocados.They make the hair shiny & healthy.There is fat in them but its the good kind,the kind you need.
Fitness Tip #4
Do this at a gym. Use the”Smith machine”2 do deep squats. It workouts the outer thighs, butt & calves. Its what bodybuilders use. I love it.
Fitness Tip #3
(food)Even though Salsa has a lot of sodium(salt)in it, its still good for you. Its speeds up your metabolism.I bet ya didn’t know that!
Fitness Tip #2
Booty Blaster.Take any room & do lunges across it until u can’t anymore. Eventualy hold 5 lb weights.This is so awesome for the legs.
Fitness Tip #1
Do this anywhere- Suck n your stomach(contract)& hold for 1 min,keep breathing. Do this 20 times.Its the opposite of doing sit-ups.